(above) the whole unit, done thanks to Flames of Lunch, where I use my stupid hour lounch at work wisely and paint at my cubicle. 4 x U304(f) Halftracks and a full unit of Gepanzerte Panzer Grenadiers. The tan helmets is because they are veterans of North Africa. The weird camo scheme is actually how they were painted, not like the studio painted them in Earth & Steel. Haven't put markings on the halftracks yet since I don;t know how I'm going to highlight/weather them yet.

Next up afterwards: 6 Tigers, 4 StuG 39H's (PaK40 on a Hotchkiss) and 4 Tiger II's
Looks good, whats with the grey in the camo? Figued they'd just use up any of the old grey primer they had laying around? :)