weird the pic doesnt seem to show the white highlights on the fake NMM gold symbol on top of my Chimerhinos... must be the glare?
31 October, 2010
Squats.. Vehicle markings complete
weird the pic doesnt seem to show the white highlights on the fake NMM gold symbol on top of my Chimerhinos... must be the glare?
30 October, 2010
Video Battle Reports!
Hey guys, forgot to post some of these older ones.
First one, VS Newborn BEFORE the Los Deimos tournament, he didnt want me to post it prior to, to keep his list under wraps, so here it is. Note, the tournament was running the old DE codex since its not out yet.
Next up is a quick report between the winner of the Tournament and Cleary...
Lastly, we have the post tournament Video of Ca$h and Lothlann, NOT USING their regular armies!
First one, VS Newborn BEFORE the Los Deimos tournament, he didnt want me to post it prior to, to keep his list under wraps, so here it is. Note, the tournament was running the old DE codex since its not out yet.
Next up is a quick report between the winner of the Tournament and Cleary...
Lastly, we have the post tournament Video of Ca$h and Lothlann, NOT USING their regular armies!
27 October, 2010
Splinters of Locara Tournament Review
CA$H here,
So it was a blast gaming all day Sunday at the Splinters of Locara Tournament here in Ottawa. Check the tournament, campaign and pics here. This was run by our own “Sober Gamer” and was a stellar event to attend. Organized, great tables and even a lunch deal at a local deli really made for a wicked awesome day of 40k.
This is a long post, covering all my games. You canI brought my freshly painted Space Wolves, which I painted in 1 week! Here are some pics:
This was the 1500pt list I brought:
Rune Priest
Runic Armor (Living Lightning and Murderous Hurricane)
Runic Armor (Living Lightning and Murderous Hurricane)
Rune Priest
Runic Armor (Jaws of the Wolf and Living Lightning)
Wolf Guard Pack 1 (5 man)
2x Combi-melta, Power Fist
2x Combi-melta, Power Weapon & Melta Bombs
1x Terminator Armor, Power weapon & Storm Bolter
Grey Hunter Pack 1
8 Grey Hunters, melta gun, mark of the wulfen
Drop Pod
Grey Hunter Pack 2
8 Grey Hunters, melta gun, mark of the wulfen
Rhino Transport
Drop Pod
Grey Hunter Pack 2
8 Grey Hunters, melta gun, mark of the wulfen
Rhino Transport
Grey Hunter Pack 3
8 Grey Hunters, melta gun, mark of the wulfen
Rhino Transport
Grey Hunter Pack 4
5 Grey Hunters, melta gun, mark of wulfen
Razorback Transport with twin linked heavy bolters
Land Speeder 1
8 Grey Hunters, melta gun, mark of the wulfen
Rhino Transport
Grey Hunter Pack 4
5 Grey Hunters, melta gun, mark of wulfen
Razorback Transport with twin linked heavy bolters
Land Speeder 1
Multi-melta, Heavy Flamer
Land Speeder 2
Multi-melta, Heavy Flamer
Long Fangs Pack 1
1 Squad Leader, 4 Long Fangs with Missile Launchers
Razorback Transport with Twin-linked Lascannon
Predator 1
Predator 1
Autocannon, Heavy Bolter sponsons
1500 points
1500 points
I played a total for 4 games, finishing 2-1-1. My sole loss was to Matt Varnish and his Tyranids, and it was a very close game, a chess match really. Took his whole army shooting, then assaulting my lone land speeder to break the tie to a win in his favor, and he finally pulled it off. My 2 wins were my first and last games, Eldar and vanilla marines respectively.
Game 1: Chooka’s Eldar. The Eldar army had a huge unit of wraith guard supported with a farseer on jet bike and a wraith lord. He has a Fire Prism and two wave serpents, one with Dire avengers, the other with Fire Dragons. My shooting was atrocious, and it didn’t look to good for me until turn 3, when I managed to get two Grey Hunter units into combat with the wraith guard. The mission was kills points, and it ended up 4-3 in my favor. So are one can imagine, not a lot of units were destroyed!
Game 2: Matt Varnish’s Tyranids. He had a solid list(as can been seen on the blog here) and I felt positive going into the game. Man did we slug it out! What a chess match. We had 5 objectives and Dawn of War deployment. Took his whole army shooting, then assaulting my lone land speeder to break the tie to a win in his favor, and he finally pulled it off. We really didn’t inflict large casualties on each other, both more focused on keeping the objectives clear of models until turn 5.
Game 3: “TROE” and his Imperial Guard. Awesome list, with a great paint job – and NO VALKARIES! We played capture and control, with Spearhead deployment. Turn one we both made mad dashes with our transports towards the enemy lines, only to be stopped dead by shooting. By the bottom of turn 2, we both had ALL our transport either destroyed or immobilized. With no hope of reaching each other’s objectives, the game turned into just a shits and giggles shooting match, which I was ill prepared to win. It was still a humorous game, with some lucky shots on both sides, and a general jovial feel as we were both out of contention. I always go to play for pure fun first, win second and every game so far had been just that!
Game 4: “The Lurker Below” and his Imperial Fists (vanilla marines). His star unit was a nasty looking land raider, carrying 5 terminators (3 lightning claw, 2 Thunder hammer / Storm shield) led by a Chaplain AND Librarian. He deployed in a refused flank, with the land raider closest, ready to head into my lines, and was set to go first. However………………………..I stole initiative! This allowed me to take a chance and land my Drop Pod right in front of his land raider, and pray my sole melta gun and combi-melta on the Wolf Guard in the unit could pull off a miracle. The pod landed true, and I popped the raider with the melta – I knew my unit was now toast. The game was pure victory points, so I figured 175pt Grey hunter unit in exchange for even a land raider was a fair deal. Here is where the game was really decided though. After bailing out, the termies assault me on their turn. I passed my counter assault roll, and in the ensuing melee (initiative being the same across the board) I focused on and killed the Chaplain, and wounded the Librarian! This changed the exchange of points from 175 for 250 to 175 for 400+. He was a great sport about the crazy luck I displayed on the last game of the day, and it made for some great story telling around the room that evening.
Overall I had a great time, and really enjoyed all my games. It reinforced why I attend these types of events, and was really refreshing to see well painted and well played armies on almost every single table. To finish my Space Wolves up to 2000points, I plan to add a unit of Sky Claws, a Land Raider, and Wolf Priest. But with Game Summit 2011 coming in February, I think a larger challenge is in order. I just assembled 30 ork boyz last night, and built this rokkit buggy out of a Deff copter:
More updates on both armies to follow!
CA$H out.
So Orks it is...
CA$H here,
So it was a blast gaming all day Sunday at the Splinters of Locara Tournament here in Ottawa. Check the tournament, campaign and pics here.
I brought my freshly painted Space Wolves, which I painted in 1 week! Here are some some pics:
So it was a blast gaming all day Sunday at the Splinters of Locara Tournament here in Ottawa. Check the tournament, campaign and pics here.
I brought my freshly painted Space Wolves, which I painted in 1 week! Here are some some pics:
22 October, 2010
Splinters of Los Deimos
I'm playing my bloodpact guard once again and I'm back on Los Deimos where it all began. On this planet in the last tournament/campaign is where my guard turned to chaos and started praying to the dark gods, specifically Khore. They were joined on the planet by Cash's Emperor's children and Matt Varnish's Tyranids.
Los Deimos Tourney 2 days away!!
Welp, 2 days left to go. Yesterday I ironmanned and rehilighted skin and carapace on 20 termagaunts, so that the army is done, just not the extra 20 spawnable termagaunts, which I still might do. I must say the army looks a lot better now, if you'll notice, the carapaces have all been redone on everything, and the skin has more depth, ie isnt just drybrushed white anymore haha
I am now working on new objective markers. In the campaign that kicks off right after Sunday's tournament, Tyranids can move around on the map like everyone else, or can use Sewers. Without even seeing the sewer map, I can tell this is going to be super characterful, since during the last Campaign, Los Deimos was long held by my Tyranids, then was swept clear by those dirty Eldar belonging to Silar of
So it is totally natural that some Genestealers hung around, underground, in hiding, for all these forces to swoop in for whatever important stuff is in the Hive Center. So I am working on some sewer entrances, with a few other goodies, in case I roll up the 5 objectives..
Here are some pics of the newly highlighted army, ready for sunday:
And last but not least, a video battle report vs Ca$h's secret project: He has been working on a new army, only this week. The challenge is, can he paint it on week, if so, he will use them, if not, he falls back and uses his Slaaneshi Chaos.
17 October, 2010
Final...Final List for Los Deimos!
With less than a week to go now before the tourney starts I am scrambling to paint my army and find a list I like!
Without further adieu here is my final list, otherwise I won't have time to get it ready, and that just won't do!
So I dropped 2 chimeras (at Matt_Varnish's recommendation) and added a 5th Veteran squad. I also dropped the Power Weapons and 1 Plasma Pistol in order to give the first Veteran Squad the Demolitions ability to allow for a potentially devastating first turn multi-vehicle charge and destruction with melta bombs a plenty :)
Without further adieu here is my final list, otherwise I won't have time to get it ready, and that just won't do!
Company Command - 3 Plasmaguns, Medic, Astropath, Officer of the Fleet, Plasma Pistol and Power Fist on Commander
Chimera - Multilaser, heavy flamer
Veteran Squad - Demolitions, 3 meltas, 6 shotguns, plasma pistol (on sergeant)
Veteran Squad - 3 meltas, 6 shotguns, plasma pistol (on sergeant)
Veteran Squad - 3 meltas, 6 shotguns, plasma pistol (on sergeant)
Veteran Squad - 2 meltas, 1 flamer, 6 shotguns, plasma pistol (on sergeant)
Chimera - Multilaser, heavy flamer
Veteran Squad - 2 meltas, 1 flamer, 6 shotguns, plasma pistol (on sergeant)
Chimera - Multilaser, heavy flamer
Vendetta - heavy bolter sponsons
Vendetta - heavy bolter sponsons
2 Valkries - heavy bolter sponsons, multiple rocket pods
-1495 points-
So I dropped 2 chimeras (at Matt_Varnish's recommendation) and added a 5th Veteran squad. I also dropped the Power Weapons and 1 Plasma Pistol in order to give the first Veteran Squad the Demolitions ability to allow for a potentially devastating first turn multi-vehicle charge and destruction with melta bombs a plenty :)
14 October, 2010
Splinters of Chaos
CA$H here,
I just penned my final list for next weekend's local tournament "Splinters of Locara". It is being run by "Sober Gamer", and picks up right after last year's Locara campaign. For more info, please swing by HERE and feel free to take part! It really will be global, since games can be played anywhere. Without further mumbling, here is the list I have settled on:
Daemon Prince - 155 pts
Wings, MoS, Lash of Submission
Noise Marines x8 – 250pts
Sonic Blasters x 7
Noise Champion w/ Power Weapon and Doom Siren, Personal Icon, Melta bombs
Chaos Space Marines (10) - 255 pts
Aspiring Champ w/ Power Fist, IoCG, Meltagun(2)
Summoned Lesser Deamons x8 - 104pts
Chosen x5 - 165pts
Meltagun x4,Rhino
Vindicator – 125pts
Obliterator x3 – 225pts
Land Raider - 220pts
I know it is a little heavy on points in the heavy support area, but the obliterators are all conversions, and I love me some Vindicator action (despite it rarely getting it's points back). So, what do you all think? I will be testing it out tomorrow for FNF(Friday Night Fights) and we shall see what I can accomplish with it.
I am open to suggestions and any/all input, but please keep in mind the idea wasn't to run a "net list" - I went with the models I love the look of, over functionality.
Oh, and pics of the whole painted army to follow tomorrow!
I just penned my final list for next weekend's local tournament "Splinters of Locara". It is being run by "Sober Gamer", and picks up right after last year's Locara campaign. For more info, please swing by HERE and feel free to take part! It really will be global, since games can be played anywhere. Without further mumbling, here is the list I have settled on:
Daemon Prince - 155 pts
Wings, MoS, Lash of Submission
Noise Marines x8 – 250pts
Sonic Blasters x 7
Noise Champion w/ Power Weapon and Doom Siren, Personal Icon, Melta bombs
Chaos Space Marines (10) - 255 pts
Aspiring Champ w/ Power Fist, IoCG, Meltagun(2)
Summoned Lesser Deamons x8 - 104pts
Chosen x5 - 165pts
Meltagun x4,Rhino
Vindicator – 125pts
Obliterator x3 – 225pts
Land Raider - 220pts
I know it is a little heavy on points in the heavy support area, but the obliterators are all conversions, and I love me some Vindicator action (despite it rarely getting it's points back). So, what do you all think? I will be testing it out tomorrow for FNF(Friday Night Fights) and we shall see what I can accomplish with it.
I am open to suggestions and any/all input, but please keep in mind the idea wasn't to run a "net list" - I went with the models I love the look of, over functionality.
Oh, and pics of the whole painted army to follow tomorrow!
08 October, 2010
Los Deimos Final Army List
Ok so I have literally waited until too late to figure out which army of mine I will be playing for Los Deimos, but I came up with a compromise and I'm quite happy with the results.
This is my 'Taros Force', meaning that it is comprised of Tallarn and Elysian Imperial Guard. It is designed to be like the Guard Alliance from the failed attack on the Tau Settlement on Taros (Imperial Armour Volume 3 from Forgeworld).
I would appreciate all comments/concerns/questions/death threats/marriage proposals etc!
This is my 'Taros Force', meaning that it is comprised of Tallarn and Elysian Imperial Guard. It is designed to be like the Guard Alliance from the failed attack on the Tau Settlement on Taros (Imperial Armour Volume 3 from Forgeworld).
I would appreciate all comments/concerns/questions/death threats/marriage proposals etc!
Company Command - 3 Plasmaguns, Medic, Astropath, Officer of the Fleet, Plasma Pistol and Power Fist on Commander
Chimera - Multilaser, heavy flamer
Veteran Squad - 3 meltas, 6 shotguns, plasma pistol (on sergeant)
Chimera - Multilaser, heavy flamer
Veteran Squad - 3 meltas, 6 shotguns, plasma pistol (on sergeant)
Chimera - Multilaser, heavy flamer
Veteran Squad - 2 meltas, 1 flamer, 6 shotguns, plasma pistol and power weapon (on sergeant)
Chimera - Multilaser, heavy flamer
Veteran Squad - 2 meltas, 1 flamer, 6 shotguns, plasma pistol and power weapon (on sergeant)
Chimera - Multilaser, heavy flamer
Vendetta - heavy bolter sponsons
Vendetta - heavy bolter sponsons
2 Valkries - heavy bolter sponsons, multiple rocket pods
-1495 points-
07 October, 2010
New DE Battle Report!
Welp, I went into the store to get away from the house for a few hours to get some painting in, and lo and behold, the Black Box had just come in. So I convinced Kairos FateWeaver to run a quick proxy battle with the new codex. We did 1000 pts, I took my 1500 point Los Deimos list and took away both Tyranofexes while he ran 2 units of raider warriors, with sybarites, agonisers, haemonculi and probbaly a bunch of other stuff I haven't read about yet and an archon and incubi in a third raider. It was Capture and Control, Dawn of War.
So here it is, first battle report with the new Codex!
So here it is, first battle report with the new Codex!
47 Termagaunt kills... Can YOU Guess what inflicted this?
Like the title says... I played Battle Report 58 last night, and lost 47 termagaunts to a single unit. It is the least likely of IG units too! This was a sick game: I spawned so many termagaunts with my Tervigons.. Started with 40, and spawned at least 35 more.
This video doesn't convey how epic this game truly was.. I made a bet that if "Knife Guy" aka, squad sgt in a platoon squad could KILL my Tyranofex in HtH combat, I would build him a chimera covered in spare Carnifex plates chained to it.
I also had the chance to quickly take some footage of another tourney list test game: Lurker Below's Imperial Fists vs Chimaera's incredibly painted Tyranids. More intel on lists.. Not filmed was Twin Linked and Royal Falcon played Los Deimos tourney tester game in the back room of GW too... on a Wednesday! I thought we'd be the only game on a quiet night!
This video doesn't convey how epic this game truly was.. I made a bet that if "Knife Guy" aka, squad sgt in a platoon squad could KILL my Tyranofex in HtH combat, I would build him a chimera covered in spare Carnifex plates chained to it.
I also had the chance to quickly take some footage of another tourney list test game: Lurker Below's Imperial Fists vs Chimaera's incredibly painted Tyranids. More intel on lists.. Not filmed was Twin Linked and Royal Falcon played Los Deimos tourney tester game in the back room of GW too... on a Wednesday! I thought we'd be the only game on a quiet night!
02 October, 2010
Video Battle Reports x 2!
Lothlann's Used Tank Emporium! the 40,011's must go, the new 40,012's are coming in!
Hey guys, I finally settled in on a list for the Los Deimos campaign tournament: Tyranids
Tyranid Prime, Devourer, twin Boneswords, Regenrate
3 units of 2 Hive guard
Tervigon, Cluster Spine,Adrenal glands, Toxin Sacs x 2
20 strong unit of Termagaunts x2
Heavy Support-
Tyrranofex with Rupture cannon, Cluster Spine x 2
1500 points on the nose. I originally had the usual 2 units of ten termagaunts, but I found the big units to be more resilient, and I needed bodies on the table even in KP missions.
Here are some videos:
First up we have Seven Six with his aweseme orange and blue Nids vs the parking lot.
And then we have my Nids vs Ca$h's Noise Marines. The battle of the purple dice rages on
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BATTLTECH! This was my first miniature game. As I mentioned in my last post, Battletech holds a dear place in my hobby heart. I remember do...