24 November, 2009
Locara Tournament results
I know I know....
I'm all for local/Indy GTs and events- and go to any that are available in my city, but to promote these events as the "pinnacle" and "elite" levels of the hobby is frightening. Anyways, have a read and let me know what you think.
22 November, 2009
Best Overall !
20 November, 2009
1250pt Test game against Nids!
2010 Game Summit in Ottawa
So the top 2 players will get free entry to the GT - and I can play in my home city - nice! Now, what army to bring, and what list.....my head is swimming with ideas. Especially as I got some "insider" confirmation from some GW Canada higher ups that Blood Angels are indeed coming right after Tyranids - maybe I should fall to the black rage... but another new army? I have only just got 1250pts painted of Emperor's Children, and plan to take it to 1750-2000 point minimum - what to do, what to do....
18 November, 2009
Vindicator WIP
17 November, 2009
Chaos Work in Progress (WIP)
Back at it.
I am looking forward to the tournament this Sunday. I have a freshly painted army, and the venue seems to be great - lunch is even provided at Pub 101! Nice touch there, as ordered in pizza and soda is old. I will have to keep going with my slaanesh marines, because the winter Game Summit ( www.gamesummit.ca ) is coming in soon, and the army will need to be up to 1750pts for then. As for what I will add to get the army up to 1750pts - I'm planning on getting up to 3 obliterators, fleshing out the troops a little more, and adding either a landraider OR a 10 man Raptor unit. Not sure which at this point. Anyways, expect some pics updated tonight. Till then....
14 November, 2009
New Table has arrived!
So, my "Xmas" gift from my wife arrived today, and I set it up in the dining room (rather than take out both folding table and put it up in the basement where I plan to use it) to see what it looked like. I must say for $75 USD, I don't think I could make anything better. On top of that, it tears down to a 2'x2' x 6inch stack, so it's really easy to store ie. keep out of my little one's hands. Anyways here are some pics!
It is rubberized flock and sand, and it hardly shed any when taking it out of the box, he mentioned a little may come off over time, but not much - and it seems to be true so far.
13 November, 2009
List update
Chaos Sorcerer – Mark of Slaanesh, Lash of Submission – 125pts
Noise Marines x5 – Sonic Blasters x 4, Blastmaster x 1 – 160pts
Noise Marines x8 – Sonic Blasters x 7, Noise Champion w/ Power Weapon and Doom Siren, Mounted in Rhino – 275pts
Noise Marines x5 – Noise Champion w/ Power weapon, Doom Siren, Personal Icon, Mounted in Rhino – 185pts
Chaos Space Marines x5 – Plasma Gun – 90pts
Chaos Terminators x5 – Icon of Slaanesh, Heavy Flamer, Chain Fist x1, Power Fist x1 -- 195pts
Vindicator w/ Demonic Possession– 145pts
Obliterator x1 – 75pts
I have now completed the painting of both Rhinos, all the troops, and the terminators, pics will be up this weekend!
09 November, 2009
1250pt List for upcoming Return to Locara: Tournament & Campaign
Here is the list so far:
Chaos Sorcerer – Mark of Slaanesh, Lash of Submission – 125pts
Noise Marines x5 – Sonic Blasters x 4, Blastmaster x 1, Personal Icon – 165pts
Noise Marines x8 – Sonic Blasters x 7, Noise Champion w/ Power Weapon and Doom Siren, Personal Icon, Mounted in Rhino – 280pts
Chaos Space Marines x5 – Melta Gun, Icon of Slaanesh, Aspiring Champion w/ Power weapon, Mounted in Rhino – 175pts
Chaos Space Marines x5 – Plasma Gun – 90pts
Chaos Terminators x5 – Icon of Slaanesh, Heavy Flamer, Chain Fist x1, Power Fist x1, Combi-Melta x1 - 195pts
Vindicator w/ Demonic Possession– 145pts
Obliterator x1 – 75pts
A "small" diversion...
BATTLTECH! This was my first miniature game. As I mentioned in my last post, Battletech holds a dear place in my hobby heart. I remember do...