02 June, 2010

game summit 40k list

well, this is what Im painting towards:


Guildmaster and Hearthguard (Company Command squad) with 4 melta guns, 1 plasmapistol, Fleet Officer, Chimera with Hull HF: 185 points


Hearthguard Squad (Platoon Command Squad) 3 melta guns, 1 flamer, Chimera with Hull HF: 120 points
Infantry Squad with Autocannon: 60 points
Infantry Squad with Autocannon: 60 points
Infantry Squad with Autocannon: 60 points
Thunderer Squad (Heavy Weapon) with 3 Lascannons: 105 points
Thunderer Squad (Heavy Weapon) with 3 Lascannons: 105 points
Thunderer Squad (Heavy Weapon) with 3 Autocannons: 75 points

Pioneer Squad (Veterans) 2 meltas, 1 flamer, Chimera with Hull HF: 150 points
Pioneer Squad (Veterans) 2 meltas, 1 flamer, Chimera with Hull HF: 150 points
Pioneer Squad (Veterans) 2 meltas, 1 flamer, Chimera with Hull HF: 150 points


Squat Trikes (Roughriders) x6: 65 points
Heavy Combat Servitors (Sentinels) with Autocannons x3: 120 points


Medusa with closed top crew: 150 points
Medusa with closed top crew: 150 points
Colossus: 140 points

All I have left is the sentinels and autocannon team, but then detailing... sigh. Then I wont touch another Guard thing for a while !

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